Purebike was born in december 2006, and you are wondering who we are and where we are from ?
Here is the answer : Purebike's staff is made up of various individual path but all have the same common : the knowledge of our passion : bicycle. From rider to representative, and from technician to the famous Enduro Series event planner, all the guys here are focusing on one main objective : your satisfaction !
Purebike, it's an online store from 2006, a shop where you can come in from 2009, a customer care service that you can join by phone, by online tchat or by email but it's also a lot of products available, daily products arrivals and a lot of special offers ...
Author :
SAS PUREBIKE au capital de 37000 €
15 Rue Chalons
79400 St Maixent l'Ecole
Company registration number (SIRET) :
RCS Niort : 492 645 981 000 27
VAT Number:
FR74 492 645 981
Contacts :
Phone : +33 (0)9 72 29 11 33
Mail : pureinfo@purebike.fr
Hosting :
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix
Website realization:
Ria Studio
103 avenue de Paris
79000 Niort
Publishing director :
Christophe Poirault
According to the law N°78-17 of the 6th of Januaray 1978, personal datas treatment was declared beside the french CNIL
According to the Article 27 of the same law, you are informed that personal datas (filled on our web forms) can be communicated to authorized organization.
According the the Article 34 of the law 78-17 of the 6th January 1978, the user has the right to access, modify or suppress all the informations that concern him. In order to process the user has to contact us by mail at pureinfo@purebike.fr
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